Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Homemade Seville Orange Marmalade

 Homemade Seville Orange Marmalade

If there's one thing this biddy loves to eat, it's delicious jam on homemade bread. Here's one I made this summer that was oh-so-delicious, and gorgeous to boot!

Doesn't that look amazing? Here's the recipe I followed:

Some things to note about this recipe:

  • You do need some seville oranges (they're really sour and full of seeds. You could also substitute about 4 regular oranges and 2 lemons.)
  • It doesn't need any store-bought pectin! Orange seeds are chock-full of the stuff.
  • PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't slice all those peels by hand, unless you like to torture yourself. You could grate them with a cheese grater or use a food processor. I popped mine in a $5 "mini food chopper" and it worked perfectly.

And lastly, a tip for jam-making:

Don't worry about it setting up perfectly! Jam that's a little runny can be cooked longer, or used as syrup, stirred into yogurt, used as an ice cream topper, etc. Jam that's TOO FIRM (like mine was!) can be warmed up, and you can stir in a little hot water until it's the consistency you want.

Happy Jamming, Everybody!

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