Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Little Biddy Goal

To have a blog, you actually have to write stuff. "Well duh," you say, but I bet thousands of blogs are created every day, one or two posts are written (or maybe even none!) and then they are abandoned, left to rot in the landfill of bloggerland. (Incidentally, I'm sure this is why all the good names on blogger are taken.)

Any way, here's my 30-day start a blog challenge!

 If you're like me, you might do several steps in one day. That's okay, just cross them off as you do them. That'll help if you get distracted later in the month and miss a few days.

It's day one for me, and I've already done days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7! Tomorrow I'll do day 6, and my goal is to do all 30 days by September 13th.

Wish me luck! Anyone want to join me?

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